When you study with ACCA, you can take your career in any direction. You open doors to the best and most interesting roles all over the world. And you become one of the sought-after finance professionals our fast-changing world needs.
ACCA has a worldwide reputation for excellence and the qualification is recognized and respected across the globe. When you choose to enroll with the ACCA Program, you become part of a diverse body of more than 219,000 members and 527,000 students in 179 countries. Additionally, ACCA has Strategic Alliances with Accounting Bodies around the world (CPA Canada, CA Australia & New Zealand, etc ) creating global study and work opportunities for students choosing to pursue a qualification.
source: www.accaglobal.com
Employers across the globe seek out ACCA-trained professionals – because they know they have the strategic thinking, technical skills and professional values to drive their organizations forward. ACCA works with more than 7,400 Approved Employers and 80 accountancy partnerships worldwide.
Link to the ACCA website: http://www.accaglobal.com/lk/en/about-us.html
ACCA offers exemptions to students who have studied relevant accountancy qualifications prior to starting ACCA’s accountancy qualifications. This means that you may not have to take all of the exams in the Foundation level of the ACCA Qualification and you can start your studies at the right level.
You will need to pay a fee for each paper exempted. Exemptions are charged at the early exam entry fee.
Special exemption fee waiver offers for CA, CIMA, AAT and CMA Passed Finalists and University of London and University of Plymouth (NSBM) undergraduate program completed students.
If you are interested in in following the ACCA program via the exemption route. Please send us the official transcripts and certifications from the qualification awarding bodies of your previous qualifications to [email protected] along with the filled exemption form available below.
A key part of the ACCA Qualification is getting relevant practical experience in the workplace. Our exams will give you the theory behind your knowledge of accountancy, but you also need to have the practical experience to support it. Three years of work experience, alongside your exams and ethical awareness, will mean you are fully prepared for a challenging career as an ACCA Member.
Mercury’s work placement and career guidance programmes will ensure that you find employment at an ACCA approved employer.
This degree has been jointly designed by the University and ACCA to meet the requirements of a degree and also those of a professional qualification. Students of ACCA are now automatically registered for the Oxford Brookes University degree when they enroll with ACCA. When students have completed the Knowledge and Skills papers of the ACCA’s professional examinations, and the Ethics and professional skills module, they may submit a “Research and Analysis Project” to Oxford Brookes University which will be assessed by the University Business School staff.
This degree is recognised by the University Grants Commission.
To be eligible for the Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting you must pass the Financial Reporting (FR), Audit and Assurance (AA) and Financial Management (FM) exams and complete the other Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams by exam or exemption. Please be aware that students are required to successfully complete all nine Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams at least two months prior to the start of the submission period in which the student is seeking to submit. If you are exempted from any of the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams based on a qualification more than 10 years old, you would be required to forfeit all of the exemptions in order to opt in to the degree programme.
The degree must be completed within 10 years of the earliest date of your first examination pass or the date of your first ACCA exemption being granted. Otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn.
On-demand Computer Based Exams (CBEs) are available for the first four papers (Business & Technology, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Corporate & Business Law) of the ACCA program. These exams allow for flexibility in your studies as you can sit them at any time of the year. Also, your results are displayed immediately at the end of the exam and uploaded to your account within 72 hours. Remotely invigilated on-demand CBEs are now available which facilitates sitting of the exam from your own home.
For more information on booking your next remote CBE exam please email us at [email protected] .
Applied Skills and Applied Professional computer based exams will be held at exam centers in March , June, September and December of each year. Exam bookings to be done via you MYACCA account.

The Virtual Classroom has been designed for students who want the benefit of online access to content, learning activities and assessments whenever and wherever they want. The overall design enhances the classroom experience creating a more efficient Online model through reduced contact hours and increased assessment, ensuring your students are fully supported 24/7 through access to pre-recorded content aligned to what you study in the classroom and to create learning efficiencies.
Key benefits of the Enhanced Classroom
Pre-recorded lectures by expert BPP tutors can be paused, rewound and fast forwarded, allowing students to study at their own pace with the aid of the pre-recorded lectures.
Topics and Learning Activities
Learning content is broken into logical topics and associated learning activities. The activities within each topic will help students identify their strengths and weaknesses on specific areas and learn core syllabus knowledge, whilst providing lots of opportunity to practice with real life examples. Each activity helps students understand and apply the syllabus content by either explaining a concept, showing a worked example, or providing an opportunity to apply the concept through ‘practice and apply’ assessments.
All students are given access to their personal online learning area, which includes Online Knowledge tests. The tests consist of a series of online assessments that build in complexity and syllabus coverage, preparing students for exam success.