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The ACA qualification is valued by businesses worldwide, with more than 5,000 employers currently training ACA students.

Completing the ACA qualification enables you to use the title ‘ICAEW Chartered Accountant’, offering a way to stand out from the crowd by providing employers with a specified, certified skillset.

The knowledge and skills provided by the ACA means that ICAEW Chartered Accountants are highly sought after professionals.

They often command higher salaries throughout their careers:

The average annual salary of an ICAEW Chartered Accountant in business is £134,000 (Indicative based on mean averages of specified salary bands – Member profiles response 2018).

The average global member salary across all sectors is £108,000 (Indicative based on mean averages of specified salary bands – Member profiles response 2018).

The agreement gives a pathway to CA Students to obtain the membership of the one of the most prestigious professional Accounting organizations in the world – ICAEW – as well as the membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) simultaneously.

Therefore, students who choose to embark on this exclusive pathway, will not only obtain the global qualification from ICAEW but they will also earn the locally reputed qualification from CA Sri Lanka, which will strengthen their standing as Chartered Accountants across the international accounting fraternity. Hence, this exclusive agreement to ICAEW, enables Members to practice as a Chartered Accountant in Sri Lanka.

If you are in the final level of the Institute of Chartered Accounts Sri Lanka (ICASL), you can enter the final level of the ICAEW. All exemption fees are waived off (free exemptions).

If you are fully / part qualified with any other professional accounting body or accounting degree, please email us to verify the exemptions you are entitled to.